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Goodbye Back-to-School Anxiety

Heading back to school can be stressful for the kiddos and the parents. Use this anxiety buster to help calm nerves and center yourself and your kids. What I love about this is that it can be done anywhere. You don’t need a fancy setup or a quiet room.

This breathing activity can be done standing, sitting, or lying down. Depending on how anxious you feel, select the posture that best supports you. Lay down if your anxiety is high. Sit if it feels medium, or stand if your anxiety is low.

The Steps

  1. When you first start, find a comfortable place to sit or lay down.
  2. Close your eyes and place one hand on your belly, one hand on your chest.
  3. Purse your lips like you are about to drink through a straw.
  4. Inhale slowly, through pursed lips, counting to five.
  5. Exhale slowly, through pursed lips, counting to five.
  6. Focus on keeping your lips puckered and your breath flowing slowly.
  7. Repeat this process five times.
  8. After five breaths, your body will start to relax.
  9. Continue the process for another five breaths.
  10. Release any tension in the body with each exhale.
  11. If, after 10 breaths, your body and mind feel calm, relax your lips, keep your eyes closed, and continue to breathe normally.
  12. Focus on how it feels to be at peace.
  13. When you are ready, gently blink your eyes and return to the present moment.

The more you practice this technique, the faster you will be able to use it to center yourself.

When my anxiety was at its worst, I used a breathing tool called The Shift.

I promote the use of The Shift to help people who are struggling to calm their minds. My mind was racing with such a high level of anxiety I could not concentrate on my breathing. I wore this tool to work and used it when I took an afternoon walk or if I was feeling anxious at my desk. No one knew it was a breathing tool and often complimented it as a necklace.

You can learn more about The Shift HERE.

Use code RELEASINGTHEEB for 15% off.

I have achieved incredible success this year despite the chaos around me when I’ve implemented her teachings.

- Rhiannon K.

Erica brought a level of customization and knowledge that engaged our leadership team and brought forth impactful changes.

- Ali Y.

This is something everyone needs right now.

- Kathleen T.

Erica has the gift and ability to zero in on the “problems” and transform them into stepping stones for growth.

- Melissa L.

This was the reset I needed.

- Ellen A.


Then get what you really want

(PS, it all starts with the Prework)