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Goal Setting with the Aries New Moon

April kicked off with a new moon in Aries, the first sign of the astrological calendar.

Whether or not you are into astrology, it’s hard to argue with the proof that the moon’s position and transits affect us all. Ask any labor and delivery nurse on a full moon. New moons are a great time to set intentions on what you want to focus on for the next few weeks. With this moon in Aries and the start of the calendar, it’s time to begin anew. I know most of us are used to setting goals and starting new on January 1st. This is “take 2” (and in my opinion, a better time than January 1st). The seasons are shifting, everything is blooming and for those of us in the northern hemisphere, we are finally emerging from winter hiding. Use the exercise below to get clear on what you really want this year.

“No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.” – proverb

What do you want this year?

Set aside 15 minutes for this activity. Find a quiet space where you can be uninterrupted. Pour a cup of tea, find a comfortable seat and grab your journal.

Step 1: Reflect on what is working. Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Tune into your breath and notice it flow in and out. There is no need to change your breath, just place your attention on it.  As you watch it flow in and out, think back over the last six months. What has gone well? What are you looking forward to? What are you happy about? Allow yourself five minutes to reflect on the good things in your life.

If your mind refuses to cooperate and either won’t focus or focuses on negative things, try counting as you breathe in and out. Start with a count of 5 and work up to 8. Instead of thinking of specific thoughts, think about how it feels when you are happy.

Step 2: Open your eyes and answer the following question “I am so excited that I ……..” Complete the sentence for a goal or dream you have for yourself. What do you want? How does it feel to have it? Write your celebration journal entry of already having completed it.

Step 3: Don’t judge. Allow your mind to write whatever it wants to answer that question. It doesn’t matter how big or small the item is. It does not matter if you know how it will come to be. Just allow your pen to flow with daydreams of what you want this year.

For this new moon, your only job is to allow yourself to dream it up. You are at a new chapter of your life, and you get to write it however you want. What fresh start do you want for 2022?

Daydreaming and journaling are powerful tools to help you achieve your goals. We often get so focused on actioning the steps to achieve what we want, that we don’t take enough time to ponder. Pondering gives our brains the chance to think over what we desire, create better clarity on exactly what we want, and line up inspired action to help us get there. Next time you feel overwhelmed or in a rush, allow your mind a few minutes to daydream instead.




I have achieved incredible success this year despite the chaos around me when I’ve implemented her teachings.

- Rhiannon K.

Erica brought a level of customization and knowledge that engaged our leadership team and brought forth impactful changes.

- Ali Y.

This is something everyone needs right now.

- Kathleen T.

Erica has the gift and ability to zero in on the “problems” and transform them into stepping stones for growth.

- Melissa L.

This was the reset I needed.

- Ellen A.


Then get what you really want

(PS, it all starts with the Prework)